As every year, in addition to renewing the extended* scope of periodic OHS training, all WWtech employees take part in first aid courses organized by WENA Konsulting. The course program, in addition to standards (BLS – Basic Life Support), covers the following issues:
- Wound management,
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR),
- Use of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
Training program:
- Call for help – launch of the emergency medical system, the role of the witness of the event in the chain of survival
- Own safety, the victim, the place of the incident.
- Unconscious victim – dangers resulting from loss of consciousness, safe position.
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitistion: adult, child.
- Choking – first aid in choking in adults and children.
- Injuries and consequences of injuries – rules for providing first aid to victims of injuries.
- Tamping external hemorrhages and dressing suface wounds.
- Shock – rules of anti-shock proceedings.
- Immobilization of fractures and dislocations.
- Firest aid in case of cooling and overheating – action at high and low temperature on the human body.
- Thermal burns, chemical, defecation.
- Sudden illnesses and other healt emergencies – adenoma, myonia, seizure, stroke, bronchial asthma, allergic reaction.
- Poisoning – rules for providing assistance in case of poisoning.
- Psychological support of the victim.
*Training for group leaders, foremens and works managers in:
- Legal regulations in the field of occupational health and safety for employers and persons managing employees,
- Work-related hazards and methods of protection against these hazards,
- Assessment of hazards occurring in the working environment.