Autumn in hydropower
Autumn in hydropower is often the necessity of post-seasonal repairs. As usual, a major part of our volume is work for hydropower. In recent weeks, it was the PGE Dychów Power Plant (88 MW) and PGE Solina (199 MW) as well as the Bulgarian Koprinka Hydroelectric Power Plant (29.4 MW), located near the town of Stara Zagora. Scopes of work were similar and often performed once more: machining on large diameters. How it done in hydropower
The workshop metrology
Well-made measurements – quickly, accurately, repetitively – are a necessary condition of successful project. Two things are necessary for this: appropriate measuring equipment; trained and experienced staff. The measuring equipment must meet a number of requirements related to the nature of the work: most often there are remote measurement, resistance to humidity, dustiness and temperature changes. These requirements are met by Laser Tracker ™, which we use in our work. The measurements can be systematized as follows: For the needs of mobile machining: Before machining: initial dimensions and dimensional analysis – determination of allowances, determination of axes and theoretical points, marking out; During machining: dimensional inspection, necessary adjustments, forecasting of work progress; After processing: final dimensions, reporting; Metrological assistance: The service consists in performing measurements for disassembly and assembly works, including mobile machining; Assistance may cover the whole period of activities on the site; The result is ad hoc reports and recommendations as well as a final report. Standalone measurement: Standalone measurement of indicated dimensions, which results in a measurement report or geometry mapping of the object in the form of a CAD model. More about this subject on our website: Pomiary można też zobaczyć w naszym filmie: Examples of laser measurements, recently performed for the needs of large-size machining:
Hydropower Plant Murkraftwerke Graz
In March 2017, ANDRITZ HYDRO begins supplying electromechanical equipment for a new hydro plant in the heart of Graz, the capital of the Austrian province of Styria. The start-up of the power plant is planned for the first half of 2019. Before the construction is completed, it is necessary to install the power plant equipment: turbines, generators, flaps, various types of drives and control systems. And here is the place for our services. Of course, as in a hydroelectric power plant, the main task is to process large-size flanges. It is a very avant-garde design, which can be seen in the following visualizations: More about the plant: The current state indicates that there is still a lot to be done. As usual, the work begins with accurate measurements. In the foreground, the measurement head of the Laser Tracker device, and the measured object deep in the background, behind the scaffolding. Initial setup of the machine at the workplace. Centering the machine using Laser Tracker. View from the top Machine ready During machining… Finished. Time to change the configuration – to process a larger flange in the same mounting Continued processing. This time the outer collar Time for a change, we move to a new processing place. Re-installation of the machine. As usual, under the supervision of Laser Tracker ™. Ready. Machine tool ready to work. Already during the treatment, it turned out that the surface damages of the workpiece are too deep. The customer decides to fill the cavities with padding. Here is the result. We continue processing Finished. Now a short rest and then the same next – on block 2. Note: the above photojournalism does not contain a description of the complete sequence of activities but only selected stages of work. All activities were performed in accordance with health and safety regulations.
HPP Angaback & PGE Dychów Hydroelectric Power Plant
The tiny Angaback hydroelectric power plant, belonging to the Scandinavian giant Statkraft and the Polish large hydropower plant PGE Dychów. Very similar work involving the machining of a groove for sealing of vanes. However, the main difference is the diameter of the flow path of the water turbine. For this reason, we used different machines to achieve the same goal in both cases. Angaback Dychów Output [MW] 7 90 Commisioning 1952 1936 Damming [m] 7 18 Type Flow Pumped storage Number and type of turbines 2 x Kaplan 3 x Kaplan Machining diameter [mm] 4000 5000 Machine tool FF8200 CM6200 Type of machining Turning Circumferential milling
Kuurna – North Karelia, Finland
A small power plant with two Kaplan turbines with a total capacity of 18MW. The current modernization will allow for an additional 1 MW/ unit. In our scope a.o. the machining of the runner chamber. More: Our Hydro Services | WWTECH – On site machining For machining all flat, cylindrical, toroidal and spherical surfaces, we used the KWW525 machine tool. Read more: The Machines | WWTECH – On site machining Note: This photo is composed of two photographs. This is the only way to show the whole machine tool.
Reverse engineering of Kaplan turbine blades
Due to the erosion and corrosion wear of the old blades, the customer decided to replace them. For this purpose, we made a number of 3D laser measurements and scans to redesign the casting as well as the finished machining. The individual stages are presented in the diagram: In the same way, the steering vanes were recreated. More about reverse engineering: MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUE AND REVERSE ENGINEERING | WWTECH – On site machining
Nalubaale HPS, Uganda
Nalubaale Power Station, formerly known as Owen Falls Dam, is a hydroelectric power station across the White Nile near to its source at Lake Victoria in Jinja district. Its Location coordinates are: Latitude= 0.443525, Longitude= 33.1847 respectively. It is the oldest hydropower station in Uganda commissioned in 1954. It was renamed Nalubaale by H.E Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the president of Uganda in 2001. Originally Owen falls dam was designed for ten turbines rated at 15 megawatts (20,000 hp) each (a total of 150 megawatts (200,000 hp). In the the 1990s, the station was refurbished to repair the accumulated wear from a decade of civil disorder. During the repairs, the output power of the generators was increased, bringing the Nalubaale Power Complex’s generating capacity to 180 megawatts (240,000 hp). Due to the location – distance and lack of technical and logistical facilities, apart from technical challenges, the project was a huge logistical challenge. Our scope concerned the repair of the Kaplan turbine hub at the place of the blade seat. After years of operation, the sealing surfaces were destroyed by corrosion and erosion. Therefore, the customer has decided to repair the damaged edges by installing new fragments in the form of shrinking and welded rings, which were then machined to the original, correct shape. Our scope included: machining grooves for the rings embedding in five holes – turbine blade sockets, ring embedding (these rings were also manufactured by us and delivered to Uganda), final machining after welding (welding performed by an external company), grinding of internal diameters to obtain the desired tolerance and roughness parameters. The Machining Power Station and landscapes
Mo I Rana, Norwegia
Rana Power Plant is located near the town of Mo I Rana, in central Norway . It operates with installed capacity of 500 MW in four units with Francis turbines, with an average annual production of about 2100 GWh. The station is owned by Statkraft. In terms of annual production in Norway, the Rana power plant is second to the Svartisen hydroelectric power plant. Photo: Rana Power Plant outside and inside In our range there was machining of axuial, radial and conical surfaces within the head coverthe bottom ring. A certain challenge was to turn the over five-ton machine by 180° without access to the crane – only with the help of hoists. This operation can be seen in the video:
Borgforsen, Sweden
Borgforsen is a small 26MW hydroelectric power plant on the Fjällsjöälven River in central Sweden, equipped with Kaplan turbines. Two tasks: line boring of holes for guide Vvanes turning the spherical part of the rotor chamber. Insofar as reaming is a standard activity and performed by us many times, the turning of the spherical part was for the first time made with a new machine of our own construction.
Bujagali HPS, Uganda
Bujagali Power Plant is a hydroelectric power plant on the Victoria Nile, a place considered the beginning of the great Nile River – near the beautiful Bujagali Falls in Uganda. Construction began in 2007 and was completed in 2012. The power plant has a capacity of 250 megawatts. The Bujagali Power Plant was uganda’s largest source of energy when it was commissioned. GE supplied all electromechanical equipment – including five Kaplan turbine-generator units with a capacity of 50 MW each, control and protection systems and other power plant equipment. GE’s Kaplan turbines feature adjustable rotor blades and adjustable steering blades that enable them to efficiently deliver power over a wide range of flows, where river flows vary greatly depending on the season. More about power plant equipment: Bujagali – Flawless project execution | GE Renewable Energy About the Bujagali hydropower project – AKDN This time, at the invitation of GE, we performed three tasks: removal of blocked screws, reaming threads in the ceiling position, on a several-meter-high platform. a Ø500 shaftt in the hub of Kaplan’s turning to remove the seizures. The cavities were welded, after which we reworked the surfacing area. complex machining of the servo motor body (device responsible for the position of the Kaplan turbine blades): cylindrical Ø560, Ø 900, frontal surfaces, and above all the insertion of the insertion press-fit bushing on the diameter of Ø560. The task would be almost standard, if not for the fact that the processing took place in a concrete pipe channel, 15 meters below the surface, and the only entrance was so tight that the oil aggregate had to stay outside. The machine tools also had to be adapted to be moved through a tight communication channel. The machining was preceded by dismantling the device; in terms of also usuwe pounded blocked screws. Then, after exposing the machining site, we installed a machine tool of our own design – OTM (Orbital Turning Machine). And here is the end result: Place of processing of the servo motor body – water channel. Processing of the servo motor body. Since the customer did not agree to weld the fastening structure of the machine tool, we installed it using special clamps. And here is the end result: Power plant and surroundings
Qairakkum, Tajikistan
Kayrakkum Dam (Russian: Кайраккумская ГЭС; Tajik: НБО Қайроққум), also spelled differently as Kayrakum, Kairakum, Qayraqqum or Qayroqqum, is a dam on the Syr Darya River near the city of Kayrakkum in Sughd Province, Tajikistan. It is located on the western edge of the Fergana Basin and forms the Kayrakkum Reservoir. The reservoir supplies water for irrigation, mainly in Uzbekistan in the lower reaches of the river, and for the production of hydropower. The power plant has an installed capacity of 126 MW and is operated by the state-owned operator Barki Tojik. Construction of the dam began in 1952. Six units with Kaplan turbines were commissioned in 1956 and 1957. The power plant is currently undergoing modernization and renovation, aimed at increasing the power plant’s capacity from 142 to 174 MW. At the invitation of GE, the supplier of new turbosets, we perform machining on subsequent six blocks. We have just finished work on unit 5, the second of six being machined by ours. There are four more blocks ahead of us. In the scope of machinig: machining of the upper and lower ring, faces and cyllindrical surfaces, as well as drilling and threading of holes in the lower ring, machining of the spherical part of the rotor chamber. All these machinings are carried out using the machine tool of our design KWW525. Workplace and installation of the KWW525 machine tool: Machining of the spherical are: this was the case – the old surface, destroyed by many years of exploitation and subsequent stages of processing, up to the final result. Particularly noteworthy is the concern of the Ordering Party – the GE-Kobra consortium – for the safety of work, including regular training and exercises. The machining Power Plant and around
Hydro Power Plant Bergvik
Bergvik HPP, a Fortum-owned power plant located between Lake Marmen and Lake Bergviken in central Sweden. Two units with a total capacity of 16.2 MW. In 2023, we provided mobile machining services on Unit 1, and this year, the same scope on Unit 2. The scope included: machining of the runner chamber (spherical surface) and the creation of a seal groove in the lower ring. Machined sphere in the runner chamber Milling of the seal groove
Chaira Pump Storage HPP, Bulgaria
Hydroelectric power plant of Chaira (Chaira PSHPP) was built in the Rila Mountains, about 100 kilometers southeast of the Bulgarian capital, Sofia. Chaira has a generating capacity of 864 megawatts (1,159,000 HP) and a pumping capacity of 788 megawatts (1,057,000 HP). The plant is equipped with four reversible Francis-type pump-turbines, each with a power of 216 megawatts (290,000 HP) in generating mode and 197 megawatts (264,000 HP) in pumping mode. Units 1 and 2 have been in operation since 1995, and during that time, Chaira was the largest pumped-storage power plant in southeastern Europe, with the highest single-stage pump-turbine drop in the world (690 meters in generating mode and 701 meters in pumping mode). Units 3 and 4 were commissioned in 1999. The pump-turbines and generators were supplied by Toshiba, with three of them produced in Bulgaria under Japanese supervision. The upper reservoir for Chaira is created by the Belmeken dam, which connects to the pumped-storage power plant via two 4.2-meter diameter penstocks and two 4.4-meter diameter pipelines, reducing to 4.2 meters. Water flowing from the Belmeken reservoir supplies the Sestrimo hydroelectric power plant (Wikipedia). This time, the scope differs from the other projects of the year: milling of the spillway edge guides. For this purpose, a special machine tool has been designed and built.
Ojeforsen HPP, Sweden
Ojeforsen HPP, a 28.8 MW power plant owned by Fortum, is located on the Ljusan River in northern Sweden. In 2024, we carried out mobile machining services at Ojeforsen, focusing on the machining of the runner chamber – spherical surface.
Balforsen HPP, Sweden
Balforsens HPP, a power plant owned by E.ON, is located at the Ume reservoir dam in northern Sweden. It consists of two units with a total power of 88 MW. In 2024, we carried out mobile machining services at Bjufors, focusing on the machining of the runner chamber – spherical surface, for Unit 1.
Bjufors HPP, Sweden
Bjufors HPP, a power plant owned by Statkraft, is located on the Umealven River in northern Sweden. It consists of two units with a total power of 42 MW. Similar to Bergvik, in 2023, we carried out mobile machining services at Bjufors for Unit 1, and this year, the same scope of work is being performed for Unit 2. The scope includes: machining of the rotor chamber (spherical surface).